Fourth Annual Michael Argetsinger Symposium Schedule – 2018
FRIDAY / 9 November
Location: Watkins Glen International Media Center
Morning Session
10am to 11am
• Tom Adamich (Formula Vee: The Birth of Florida’s “People’s Race Car)
• Francis Clax (Americans Enter International Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing)
11:15am to 12:15pm
• Kate Sullivan (From Grassroots to In-Groups: The Evolution of NASCAR Fan Identity
from Accessible to Exclusionary)
• Skip McGoun (Automobile Commerce and Competition in the 19th Century)
Afternoon Session
3:30pm to 5pm
• Paul Baxa (1928: Grand Prix Racing’s “Year Zero”)
• Bryan Gable (City of Racers: The Growth of the NASCAR Industry in Charlotte, North
Carolina, 1949-2000)
Evening Session at the IMRRC Visitor’s Center
5:30pm to 8pm
Open reception at IMRRC, including screening of movie Cars, followed by:
• Jon Summers (Differentiating Between Richard “The King” Petty and Pixar’s “Mr. The
King”: Historiography in NASCAR and Why It Matters)
SATURDAY / 10 November
Location: IMRRC – School Auditorium Annex
Morning Session
10:30am to 12pm
Panel: Fair Play of Fear Play? A Comparative Analysis of Evolutions in American and European
Representations of Motor Sport
• Timothy Robeers (From Formula 1 to Formula E and Beyond: Media and Audience
Representations of Electric Motor Sport in the 21st Century)
• Mark Howell (“Not my Daddy’s NASCAR”: The Grand National Series, Narrative, and
Collective Memory)
• Mike Stocz (Nostalgia & Today: Comparing Facebook Posts of User Interactions
Surrounding Historic & Current Daytona 500 Events)
Afternoon Session
1:30pm to 3:15pm
• Karl Ludvigsen (Reid Railton: Man of Speed)
• Keynote Speaker: Buz McKim (The Formation and Early Days of NASCAR)
4pm to 6:00pm
Roundtable: Stock Car Racing and History
• In addition to the Presenters identified above, the roundtable will include Don Capps, Pat
Yongue, Scott Beekman, and Dan Simone