As the International Motor Racing Research Center enters its 26th year of operations, we reaffirm our mission to preserve and share motor racing heritage, worldwide.
While our collections of photographs, film, race programs and other materials expand, the use of these collections is what makes our work so rewarding. One example: As the trusted partner of the Sports Car Club of America, we continue to process decades of racing records; driver files, rare films, regional publications, an archive that is used almost daily by our researchers. Additional resources that aid our researchers arrive on a regular basis from enthusiastic donors, most recently from a professional photographer with decades of motorsports images from dozens of racing circuits across the United States. To ensure that we stay true to our mission of preserving and sharing the history of motorsports we have established a variety of ways through which individuals and organizations can support the center.
You can become a member online. You can also fill out and download a membership form and email it to, or print and mail it to the IMRRC at 610 South Decatur Street, Watkins Glen, NY 14891.
Members and Benefactors
The Center has been fortunate to have members who have been with us since the beginning, early adopters of our vision and mission to preserve motorsport history for future generations. Says member Frank Allocca “Membership in the IMRRC has been a rewarding experience for well over 25 years. My interest in road racing goes back to the late fifties when I obtained a copy of ‘Road Racing at Watkins Glen.’ It was published by the Glen’s Chamber of Commerce and featured the early street races. I have been fascinated with racing ever since. It’s an honor to support the mission of the IMRRC for all these years.” Join Frank and the rest of our growing community to secure – and share – this history. We have made great strides in providing more content on our website, with additional collections, both photographs and film, planned for inclusion in the months ahead.
Not a yet a member or need to renew? You can do so here: IMRRC Membership; Members will receive our annual calendar, a 10% discount on all merchandise in our gift shop, as well as one free hour of archival research.
The International Motor Racing Research Center is dependent on donations of financial support. We have established several levels at which support may be given. A motorsports VIP is invited to serve as the appeal campaign spokesperson each year. Past spokespeople include Mario Andretti, Phil Hill, Sir Stirling Moss, Dan Gurney, Sam Posey, Denise McCluggage and Butch Leitzinger. Learn more.
Endowment Fund
An endowment fund to ensure future operations has been established, to which Center supporters may designate donations. Further information about the endowment is available from the staff.
Briggs S. Cunningham Legacy Society
The Briggs S. Cunningham Legacy Society provides an opportunity to contribute estate assets to the International Motor Racing Research Center. Gifts may be financial and/or material items such as automobiles, significant collections of photographs, film, books, and other motorsports memorabilia subject to acceptance by the Center. Our experience has shown that heirs are often unaware or uninterested in your personal commitment to motorsports and to the IMRRC. Donors will be acknowledged, commensurate with the level of contribution, appropriately on display plaques at the Center. Learn more.
Planned Giving
Center supporters can make a difference now and in the future by using planned giving to make the Center part of their long-range financial plans through a deferred gift. Whether a person of moderate or substantial means, supporters can build a lasting racing legacy through the following ways:
- bequest in one’s will
- charitable remainder trust
- charitable lead trust
- gift of appreciated assets
- gift of life insurance
- gift of retirement plans
- gift of appreciated property
- gift of real estate
In addition to the benefits of the gift to the Center, donors receive additional benefits through income tax deductions and savings in estate taxes for themselves and survivors. A personal financial advisor is the best person to analyze those benefits.
Memory Brick and Block Program
The Center’s east and west entryways are paved with engraved bricks and granite blocks. The prices are $200 for a brick and $1,000 for a granite block.
More than 400 bricks and 40 blocks welcome visitors to the Center. Learn more or place your order.
Many families of Center supporters have chosen to honor their loved ones by designating the Center as the recipient of memorials. The Center is extremely grateful for this type of support because it is enhanced by memories of those being honored.
Formula One Fan Memorial Fund
Founded in memory of David Chandler of Olive Bridge, NY, this Memorial Fund is the perfect way to honor a friend or loved one’s memory while celebrating their enthusiasm for Formula One. Learn more.
Matching Gifts
We also actively participate in employers’ matching gift programs. Matching gifts may double or triple the value of gifts. The Center encourages its supporters to contact their employer’s benefits office to inquire about matching gifts. We truly appreciate the additional time and effort participation requires.
You can request a copy of our most recently filed financial report from the Charities Bureau Registry on the New York Attorney General’s website ( or by contacting us:
Watkins Glen Motor Racing Research Council, Inc
DBA International Motor Racing Research Center
610 South Decatur Street
Watkins Glen, NY 14891
New York State Attorney General
Department of Law
Charities Bureau
28 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10005
ID #16-1572964